Sympathetic Muscular-Skeletal Therapy (KokoroShiatsu)
Following a diagnoses using the techniques and principles of CAM (constantly scanning for underlying causes), therapy usually follows a pattern involving the skilful use of Acupuncture trigger points, by using gentle pressure thoughtfully applied by the hands and fingers.
Gentle movement and stretching may also be used until the body self regulates and the underlying problem either makes itself more apparent or diminishes. Skeletal problems usually realign naturally without any need to use force, or trickery. This therapy is suitable for all ages, and although it is very deep reaching, it is surprisingly gentle. (Kokoro means the heart of things, Shi – finger, Atsu – pressure).
Although loosely based on the same principles as Acupuncture, it is a cross cultural therapeutic art that uses as its basis methods of pressure, touch and stretching. Kokoro is a Japanese word meaning the heart of things. At the Shen we are very aware that the greater majority of musculo skeletal problems are the manifestation of organic dysfunction. Unless there has been trauma, then it is highly likely that the misalignment is an externalisation of an internal problem.
We live in a society that congratulates itself for removing symptoms such as pain, or using manipulation to breakdown the body’s defence of splinting mechanisms. If you were driving your car and the warning light came on, would you stop, remove the bulb, and then continue to drive it? Probably not, because you are aware of the consequences. Yet this is exactly what the use of pain killers and manipulation (without correcting the organic cause) encourages you to do in a lot of cases.
Very often, if a skeletal misalignment is forced back into place without consideration of the cause, it could go deeper within the DNA, then reappear later as a more serious problem, possibly in another part of the body. (This is referred to as the nerve reflex. The brain, spine and DNA are regularly scanning the whole body for disease and dysfunction within internal organs.) To enable the organ to repair and regenerate the muscular skeletal structure becomes distorted, very much like a balloon. If you squeeze one end to get rid of the bulge, it goes to the other end. This is apparent in people who repeatedly have to seek manipulation, even if it is for another part of the body or those who undergo regular surgery, albeit for different problems. It’s just the same problem gone somewhere else.
The Shen Clinic has built upon the original concepts and principles of Oriental Medicine including Tibetan Medicine, and adapted it for the western world. After all it may be Eastern medicine and philosophy, but we have to apply it within Western culture. For this reason, we have evolved it into an integrated system known to us as Kokoro – Meridian/Tsubo Therapy. Mike Lambert of The Shen Clinic has a close association with Japan and Okinawa spanning some 35 years. He is recognised as an authority on Oriental Therapeutic Arts, and Body Energetics in his own right, and is one of the worlds highest graded martial artists, holder of Hanshi (Grand Master 8th Dan) status within the Japanese ranking system.